Man on The Street(M.O.T.S): Super Bowl Predictions 1/13/14
What do you think would be the best potential match-up for the Super Bowl?

With the Super Bowl right around the corner, this weeks Conference Championship games will set the stage for the biggest game of the year.
“Broncos and Seahawks because its the best offense and defense in the NFL” – J.T. Harrington
“Seahawks and Patriots because Tom Brady always beats Peyton Manning” – Seth Woodfin
“Seahawks and Broncos, Manning is the best QB ever!” – Christina Beck
“Seahawks and Patriots, the Seahawks have the best secondary in the league, there’s no stooping them.” – Mike Crisafulli
“49ers and Patriots, Kaepernick is too good to lose in Seattle and Brady is great under pressure.” -Shuron Banks