Join the Club
Being “one” at Riverbend means being united, and that is exactly what clubs are all about. Clubs give students a place to belong and the opportunity to show leadership by either starting and heading a club, or using their talents and abilities to better an area in our school.
RHS librarian Mrs. Keith said, “There are over 50 clubs and organizations at Riverbend, and each one of them is important because it gives students the chance to get connected to our school, gain leadership, and receive community service hours.” Clubs at Riverbend get started by a student or teacher proposing a club. They then fill out a form on SCORE under RHS community. If that form is approved, the club will begin the following school year. Clubs get funded through the fundraising that each club provides for itself. Meetings are generally during bear block allowing all students a chance to participate.
There are many new clubs this year that some of you bears may have not heard about. The first is the Young Democrats Club that was proposed last year alongside the Young Republicans Club. Those clubs focus on politics and beliefs of the students who already know and want to learn more about our government and current events.
Another new club is the Forensics Club. The Forensics club gives students the opportunity to experience public speaking. There are many different categories in the Forensics club such as interpretation of storytelling, dramatic interpretation and there is even a category for two people to work together. This club looks great on college resumes and Stars from all over such as Brad Pitt are able to use skills for their career from being a part of Forensics club.
The National Social Studies Honor Society is a new club provided to recognize and award students for their achievement in social study courses. Mrs. White a history teacher at Riverbend, said “The perfect candidate, however, goes beyond the basic criteria; they are thoughtful, active in their community, demonstrate initiative, integrity and a desire to further their knowledge in the field of social studies.” The mission of the National Social Studies Honor Society is to promote both excellence and understanding in the field of social studies in the academic setting, as well as the community.
The Self-Defense Club was created by senior Jessica Bartlett, who takes martial arts. This club is for Riverbend students who want to be educated, involved and protected. The mission is to ensure everyone feels safe in our school. Bartlett said anyone should “go into any environment, not afraid of surroundings and be able to take on whatever comes their way.”
Watch for meetings listed when signing up for bear block and listen to the morning announcements for additional information about new clubs and organizations.
Clubs are not only good for high school, but they also look great on college applications. If interested in any of these or other clubs, feel free to go to the Riverbend homepage under activities and check them out by going to the teacher who sponsors it. Join a club, try something new, or stick to being the old club less you.