By March of 2016, there will be a new SAT. Some colleges will require the new version; this is depending on the school. Mr. Firebaugh recounted that, “The juniors will be highly encouraged to take the new SAT.” Some significant changes with the test involve one-third of the mathematics test being without a calculator, the scoring range is returning to the former 400-1600 scale, and the feedback students receive will be quite similar to the PSAT Scoring Sheets. That being said, there will be both a hard copy and an online version of student’s scores. Recanting the release in March, students must be aware that scores will be out later than usual due to the release in newer format.
Before taking the SAT, students should make sure to visit Khan Academy. It’s a free place to study online that individualizes a student’s academic profile. With Khan Academy, students can plug in their PSAT history; this helps them find out what they need to work on or what they’re strong suits are. This is highly recommended by the guidance office and many teachers. For students who feel they need to sharpen up on their skills, don’t forget there will be SAT Prep classes throughout the year. To find out dates for testing, tutoring, or any information about the new SAT, make an appointment with a guidance counselor today or visit now.Bethany Sanders