Say Yay to FCA

At Riverbend High School, there is an organization known as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It is a fun program that takes place every Tuesday morning at Riverbend for anyone who wants to come. Sophomore Richard Martino, who is in his second year in FCA said, “I love FCA because it is a fun and great way to interact with other Christians, the activities we do are really fun and interesting. The only change I would want is for the meetings to be longer.”
FCA has been around for the last 50 years. It is offered at high schools, middle schools, and even colleges. Every high school in our area has it offered to students. The adult sponsor of the club at Riverbend is varsity football coach, Mr. DeMarco. He said the ultimate goal of the club is that, “we try to help athletes become physically, mentally, and socially more successful.” On the first Tuesday of every month, the club has a social session that includes food, and playing basketball. The second Tuesday of the month, the officers of the club go over lessons for the students on handling every day events. The third Tuesday seems to be popular, because it is game day. The students play in the gym, or in the classroom, with their friends and have a great time. The final Tuesday is either a lesson , or sometimes the club will bring in a guest speaker to inspire club members to be more effective Christian athletes on and off the field.
Overall, the FCA provides a great chance, for students to express themselves in their own way. If any student is interested, FCA meets at 7:00 every Tuesday before school in the gym.